fancy smancy lunch bag

Since I am determined to lose the new found biscuit weight, I have been trying to do better at eating the right foods at the right times. I am a very bad eater. It is not that I eat tons of junk. I just don't eat often. I will survive on coffee most of the day at work because I am "too busy", and then eat too large of a meal when I get home. I must do better. I need to plan nutritious meals to take to work and commit to actually eat them! But what should I carry my nourishment in? A plain ol' brown paper lunch sack is no fun. This inspired me to search etsy for lunch bags.

I love love love this one from rickrackqueen's shop. It is made from oilcloth so it is cleanable. And I love the colors. I am going through a deco inspired color phase right now. I love the baby blues and jadite greens with a splash of read. Especially cherries. I can't get enough of cherry prints right now. But, alas this bag has sold. Shucks.

I also love this one from lotnineteen. It is so classy looking and I love the contrast of the linen and cotton print. And the drawstring to keep my nutritious goodies in place.

So, I have some more browsing to do. And I probably need to convince myself a little more that if I have a fancy smancy lunch bag, will I be apt to use it? Well sure!


Anonymous said...

Your lunch bag and pendant are darling! Looking forward to seeing your other creations. I have added you to my link.

dandyapple said...

Thank you for the kind words. But the lunch bags are not my creations. Just something I long for. The rickrackqueen and lotnineteen on etsy are responsible for those beauties.

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