I have the sniffles, and a treasury show off

Sorry about the lack of posts. I have been a bit under the weather this week. I haven't listed anything new at the shop either, but I did just finish up a very fun necklace. And I have several things that are ready to list, but all I want to do right now is get back in my jammies, curl up with my tissues and orange juice, and watch old movies.

Something that does make me feel a bit better is that starvingartistdsgns was kind enough to include one of my collages in this lovely yet eerie treasury. Be sure to check it out before it ends on Saturday afternoon.


Uneekdolldesigns said...

I know what it is like to not feel up to par and just not put anything new in the shop!

Nothing like warm jammies, hot tea, and old movies or books to help what ails you!

Beat Black said...

Everyone seems to be getting sick lately. hope you feel better soon :)

... or maybe you already are, lol
it has been a week or so.

Alisa Noble said...

Hope you are feeling better and congrats on being in such a great teasury!

moxylyn said...

I hope you are feeling better and are coming back soon!

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