dandyapple on lollishops

I found out this week that I was accepted to lollishops. What is lollishops? It is an upcoming juried online handmade marketplace for the sweet, cutesy, romantic, artists that appeal to those that love froufrou. I have never thought of my work as froufrou, but I do think it is romantic and nostalgic. Wish me luck.


Fancy said...

oooh congrats! That is very exciting :)

Thanks for commenting on my blog!

Tizzalicious said...

That's great! Congrats!

SarahKelley said...

Congrats! My things just wouldn't fit there, but it looks like a beautiful site!

fi at moose and bear said...

congrats!!! I got accepted there as well. I found your blog via sweetfigments

art by naomi said...

Your pendants are beautiful, so unique. Congrats on the lollishop acceptance. Looking forward to it.

Beadsme said...

Congrats. Never heard of it before.

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