Postcrossing--Looks Addictive

Thanks to a link on Little Miss Meshell's Blog I have discovered a wonderful site called Postcrossing. The theory is simple you sign up, send a postcard, get a postcard, and the chain goes from there. I have already signed up to send three postacards. Two will be going to Finland and the third to the Netherlands. I have always loved postcards, and I can see this becoming quite addictive. I am going to run to the bookstore on my dinner break at work, to see if I can find some neat ones to send.

1 comment:

Kalan said...

I just signed up for looks cool!

I'm going to go get some old photographs and use them as post cards I think. :)

I'll keep my eye out for old fabric, I find it all the time, but I don't have too much use for it, unless it was super psychedelic. I'll get what I can for you!

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