busy as a bee

"Random Thoughts and Luck" by Lisaur

I have had a busy couple of days. Besides creating dandy goodness to list on etsy this week, I have been working on my never ending to do list.
*Getting ready for the Lollishops opening
*Finishing and sending my Hotness Bazaar promos
*Setting up my new etsy destash shop (more on that later)
*Preparing two giveaways to list here on the blog (stay tuned for that)
*Setting up my shop at shop handmade
*And trying to keep up with a little thing called everyday life. You know...full time job, hubster, doggies, cats, food, housework, my mom visiting, etc.

I think I need a vacation. Oh wait, this week I am on vacation from my "day" job, and I am working harder than ever. But I am having a ball!

1 comment:

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Busy busy!! Sounds like fun!

I've been super busy lately too, but I took the weekend off to just play and it was great.

Now I really should get back to work. But it's more fun to browse blogs. ;-)

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